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Samples: 59346

Reprises: 3586

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Les samples de l'album Indigoism de The underachievers

Rap UsThe underachieversLand of lords
Melvin blissSynthetic substitution
Rap UsThe underachieversLand of lords
Bobby hutchersonMontara
Rap UsThe underachieversMy prism
Los angeles negrosFueron tres años
Rap UsThe underachieversNew new york
Jack arelMay be
Rap UsThe underachieversRevelations
Cody chesnuttServe this royalty
Rap UsThe underachieversThe mahdi
Billy cobhamHeather

Les artistes qui ont samplé l'album Indigoism de The underachievers

Sample Bande originale Dialogue de film Phase scratchée Bruitage Reprise

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